Why do we give?
As a church we are passionate about seeing God's Kingdom advance in Zimbabwe and beyond, and it takes resources to be part of that process.
Jesus spoke about money more than anything else. He knows that it can have an incredible hold over us and He wants us to continue to fix our eyes on Him as our provider and to not let money become an idol in our lives!
When we give the first fruit of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. Generosity is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, a love for Jesus and others.
God provides for the ministry of Harvest Church through your generosity and the finances of Harvest are managed by a Finance Committee including representatives from the pastoral team, eldership and church membership. We want to ensure that we are the best possible stewards of the resources God entrusts to us and this ensures finances are administered in a Godly and accountable way.
How can we give?
There are 3 ways that you can give financially to Harvest:
- Placing cash in the offering baskets as they are passed around during the notices
- Bank transfer to one of the following accounts:
Bank: NMB
Branch: Borrowdale
Account Name: Harvest Christian Fellowship
Account No: 260073176
Branch Code: 11106
Swift Code: NMBLZWHX
Bank: CABS
Branch: Platinum
Account No: 1006210180
3. Ecocash to the church office line on +263772437777. The name that comes up will be Ian Rea and all money received is tracked in the Harvest Church accounts.